With 2023 Approaching, Here is Our Updated List of Sustainable Living Ideas
By Andi Croft
As the world’s population continues to grow, so does global warming, scarcity of natural resources, and the need to live sustainably; there’s no doubt more people will look for ways to live sustainably in 2023 and beyond. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can make your lifestyle greener. In fact, by simply taking the following steps—and maybe even some others that aren’t listed here—you’ll be on your way toward being a much more environmentally friendly person.
Choose Eco-Friendly Furniture
Buy pieces that are made locally, by local craftspeople, and from new or repurposed sustainable materials. Remember to choose pieces that last a long time; you don’t want to buy a piece of eco-friendly furniture that will crumble after two seasons of use. These white kitchen cabinets are a classic example of sustainable furniture made with durability in mind.

Recycling is a great way to reduce waste and keep our planet clean. There are many things you can recycle, including paper, glass, plastic, and metal. You can also recycle electronics like computers or televisions by taking them to an electronics recycling center near you. These centers will either pay you cash or give you credits toward your next purchase for the recyclables they collect from your old device(s).
Recycling saves materials that would otherwise end up in landfills, where they may sit for centuries before being buried under new dirt. It also helps save energy because less energy goes into producing new products.
Buy Second-Hand
One of the easiest ways to save money on things like clothing, furniture, and electronics is by buying secondhand. Many people think that only new things are worth anything, but this isn’t necessarily true. In fact, it’s easy to find old items that work properly and match your style, and it’s important to try this option before coughing up a lot of money on new items.
Besides saving you money, second-hand items save the environment because they don’t need a fresh round of production and raw materials. Buying such items means they won’t end up in landfills soon.
Finally, secondhand items are often more durable than new ones because they’ve been through previous ownership(s), which makes them even better quality. You can find great deals on sites like eBay, Craigslist, or thredUP where people sell their unwanted items online for cash instead of throwing them away.

Green Clean
The good thing about natural cleaning products is they are non-toxic and therefore good for you and the environment. Vinegar is the easiest alternative to chlorine-based soaps, so use it to clean your sink henceforth. Baking soda is especially good at removing grease from surfaces like counters and walls—it won’t leave behind any nasty residues as other detergents do.
What’s more? You don’t need to buy natural cleaning products because you can make yours with a few supplies and other ingredients you have at home. Try this: add 15 drops of lavender, 15 drops of grapefruit, half a cup of vinegar, and five drops of lemon juice to 10 ounces of warm water. Next, shake the mixture thoroughly and use it to clean anything you want.
Purchase Energy-Efficient Appliances
Using Energy Star-rated home appliances is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint. The Energy Star label is given to products that use less power than average and are more environmentally friendly. If you have an old fridge or washer/dryer that’s not Energy Star certified, consider replacing it with one that is.
Recycle Old Clothes into New Ones
You can use your old clothes to make new ones or different stuff. Recycle them into rags by cutting off the sleeves, legs, and other pieces of fabric that you don’t want anymore. If you have an old shirt that fits perfectly but is too valuable to be disposed of, sew it together with another shirt or tee shirt to make a rag doll or fashion—you’ll be surprised how much fun this can be.
Make art out of your old clothes by sewing them into quilts or making dresses for children’s toys. Or just doodle around on them while watching TV; there’s no wrong way to recycle!
Opt for Reusable Packaging
It’s always nice having a stainless water bottle around because it makes you feel better about yourself every time you drink from it. These bottles are not only great for keeping your drinks cool and fresh, but they’re also easy to wash and reuse. You can find them at most retail stores and even some hardware stores that sell home improvement products.
Also, use:
- Reusable coffee mugs
- Reusable produce bags
- Reusable shopping bags
- Reusable food containers
- Baby bottles made of BPA-free materials like silicone
Choose Renewable Energy Options
To live sustainably, ensure your electricity is coming from sustainable sources. There are several options available and they differ from each other in terms of how much power they produce and where it comes from.
Here are some renewable energy options:
- Solar power – a solar panel is all you need to enjoy free energy from the sun.
- Wind power – install windmills in a windy area to generate enough energy for your home
- Geothermal power – this is energy from the earth’s crust. Installing a geothermal system is costly but worth it in the long run.

Replace All Incandescent Bulbs With LED Lights
If you’re looking to save money on your utility bills, replacing all of your incandescent bulbs with LED lights is a great place to start. Not only do they last longer and use less energy than incandescent bulbs, but they are also safer for you because they don’t contain mercury and other chemicals.
LEDs may be more expensive on average than traditional incandescents. Still, when you consider the fact that they are cheaper to run and can last up to 30 times longer than traditional bulbs, it’s easy to see how this investment could provide substantial returns down the road.
Unplug Appliances, Electronics When Not in Use
Unplugging appliances and electronics when you’re not using them is another great way to save energy and cut your energy bill. In that regard, turn off anything that’s not in use. This includes the power strip, lights, computer, and TV.

Commute Sustainably
If you drive a car, consider switching to public transportation or biking – it’s often more convenient for people who live in cities. Biking can also be an option if you live in an area with good bike trails or safe routes for non-motorized vehicles.
Also, walk when possible. Walking and biking are both great ways to stay healthy, cut carbon emissions, save money on gas and parking fees, reduce congestion in cities, and meet new people along the way. If you must drive, use more efficient cars. You can find out how efficient your vehicle is by getting an emissions test done at a local auto repair shop.
Eat Less Meat
Eating less meat and more plant-based protein sources such as legumes, nuts, and seeds is a great way to reduce your environmental impact. According to The Guardian, meat production is one of the major contributors to global warming, so it’s definitely something you want to avoid if possible.
The benefits of eating less meat are many: You’ll be healthier overall, your body will thank you for not putting its resources into producing unnecessary amounts of greenhouse gasses (like methane and CO2), and there are even some surprising ways that eating less meat can save money; switching to cheaper, safer foods translates to reduces health risks and saves you money in the long run.
Opt for Eco-Friendly Cosmetics
Using eco-friendly cosmetics and personal care products is an easy way to reduce your environmental footprint. Avoid petroleum-based products, which are not only harmful but also a major contributor to climate change. Instead, look for organic, non-petroleum-based ingredients in the products you use.
It’s also important to read labels carefully. Some toxic ingredients may be listed under different names to confuse unsuspecting customers and could cause damage if they make it into your body. Finally, look for biodegradable or renewable packaging when making purchases—these will help ensure that what you buy doesn’t pollute our planet.
Say No to Bottled Water
It’s no secret that bottled water is a waste of money. Bottled water was once considered safe, but today it’s more harmful to your health. Bottled water harms the environment because it wastes so much plastic each year, as well as energy and resources from making it. This means we’re also putting our health at risk by drinking these products instead of tap water, which is cheaper.

Composting is a great way to reduce waste. It also helps you grow your own food and reduce the amount of food that goes to landfills. The sweeter part is that you can compost in your backyard, on your balcony, or even indoors.
Shop Ethical Brands
When it comes to shopping, there are a lot of different ways to help the Earth. One way is by buying eco-friendly products. Choosing these brands will make you feel good about your purchase and allow you to do your part in reducing waste and pollution.
Buying from ethical brands can also have other benefits: they use recycled materials instead of virgin plastic, which reduces landfill waste; they use less water during production, and they may give back some money or resources (like green energy) from their operations back into the community around them so that everyone gets something out of your purchase.
Living in a more eco-friendly way is good for our planet and us. By making small changes like recycling, buying local products, and reducing paper waste, you’ll be able to lead a greener life and save more money in 2023 and beyond.