Guide to Reef Safe Sunscreen

An Infographic by the team at

We all know sunscreen is a major key to keeping us safe from the sun. But, did you know that certain ingredients are harmful for the ocean and all the creatures swimming in it? 

Unfortunately, many popular sunscreens use ingredients like oxybenzone and octocrylene that have been found in the ocean and ingested by fish. Many of these ingredients find their way to coral reefs and contribute to coral bleaching. In addition to the harmful effects on the sea, these ingredients can be potentially harmful to us. 

We can’t completely ditch sunscreen, so what’s the next step? Reef safe sunscreen.

Looking for better sunblock isn’t as easy as looking for a “reef safe” sticker on the bottle. You’ll need to get familiar with common ingredients that are potentially harmful and you’ll need to know what types of sunscreen are least harmful. 

Natural sunscreens and other natural skincare are great choices to avoid ingredients that you can’t pronounce (and are potentially toxic). However, you’ll need to do your research to make sure that any natural sunscreen you choose includes the right ingredients to protect you from sun damage. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are ingredients that are common alternatives to sunscreens that mainly use oxybenzone, octocrylene, and others for UV protection. put together a great guide to reef safe sunscreen to help you learn more about the potential dangers of sunscreen, tips for picking them, and a quick history lesson on recent sunscreen bans.

>reef safe sunscreen infographic