How Remote Working Contributes to Energy Conservation

Individuals seeking remote employment have at least one thought in common: that working from home will save energy and minimize their carbon footprint. Remote workers in general feel a sense of satisfaction that they are having a beneficial impact on the environment.

written by DebD

Energy Remote

In fact, telecommuting complements a number of UN Sustainable Development Goals to make certain that dependable, realizable, economical, and modernized energy is utilized worldwide.

How Remote Work Contributes to Energy Conservation

1. By using less energy, remote workers – by default – are more energy efficient. What’s more, the decrease in daily traffic attributed to telecommuting has an immense impact on energy efficiency in the auto industry. In addition, working-from-home plays a major role in the minimization of energy linked environmental hardships.    

2. Telecommuting encourages adaptability in energy efficiency as remote workers have a sound investment in budgeting their energy usage such as lighting, heat and air conditioning, and the application of various tech gadgets. As the much of the costs will come directly out of the worker’s pocket and not their employer’s, a willingness to decrease usage and maximize gains is a natural outcome.

3. Besides saving money and energy, more businesses are enthusiastic about taking advantage of employing remote workers more than ever. According to the latest State of Remote Work 2020 Report from Open.Buffer 98% of telecommuters prefer to continue working remotely and 97% would recommend telecommuting to others. Many workers also confirm that they prefer working remotely, at least at some point, throughout their careers.

Energy and Environmental Positives of Remote Working

The article The Positive Environmental Impact of Remote Work touches on a number of energy and environmental positives of telecommuters. Highlights include:

  • Gas savings of over $20 million worldwide
  • Decreased greenhouse gas emissions amounting to 54 million tons annually
  • Less Traffic
  • Improved air quality
  • Reduced carbon footprints
  • and energy savings

According to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) using CE (consumer electronics) to telecommute is highly economical with 9 to 14 billion kilowatt hours of electricity saved annually!

Final Thoughts

As remote working continues to expand, businesses are employing various policies including beneficial developments for the environment. An upsurge in everything from better air quality to energy savings are bound to ameliorate and increase with time. Due to remote working, an unexpected positive environmental impact is a well-deserved outcome.

Coloured lightbulbs, remote working