Air Pollution and Your Brain: The Hidden Health Crisis

Air Pollution and Your Brain: The Hidden Health Crisis

Put together by the team at NordicPure.comReviewed by Brett Stadelmann Air quality is often discussed in terms of respiratory health, but its impact on brain health is equally alarming. Pollutants in the air can lead to cognitive decline, memory issues, and even neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. As urbanization and pollution levels rise, understanding how poor … Read more

An example of a completed panelized home in Lake Whatcom, United States. How Prefab Construction Addresses Problems With Traditional Construction

How Prefab Construction Addresses Traditional Problems

How Prefab Construction Addresses Problems With Traditional Construction By Tommy O’Shaughnessy, the owner of Rent a Backyard The traditional construction industry comes with an incredibly high environmental cost; experts estimate that building new homes and buildings is responsible for 10% of total global emissions, while operating, heating, and cooling these energy inefficient buildings adds another … Read more

Waste Not, Want Not: Sustainable Fashion’s Rise Against Fast Fashion

Waste Not, Want Not: Sustainable Fashion vs Fast Fashion

Sustainable Fashion’s Rise Against Fast Fashion By Amanda Winstead For those embracing a sustainable lifestyle, have you considered the environmental impact of your wardrobe? If your clothing is cheap and trendy, you may be buying unsustainable apparel and supporting fast fashion. Fast fashion is a popular style trend that promotes low-quality apparel priced far below market … Read more