Budget-Friendly Home Makeovers: DIY Tips for Every Room
Transform your home with these expert DIY tips. Learn how to improve soil nutrients for a lush garden, as well as budget-friendly kitchen and bathroom updates.
sustainability • ethics • climate • waste • renewables • ecology • poverty • equality
Transform your home with these expert DIY tips. Learn how to improve soil nutrients for a lush garden, as well as budget-friendly kitchen and bathroom updates.
How Prefab Construction Addresses Problems With Traditional Construction By Tommy O’Shaughnessy, the owner of Rent a Backyard The traditional construction industry comes with an incredibly high environmental cost; experts estimate that building new homes and buildings is responsible for 10% of total global emissions, while operating, heating, and cooling these energy inefficient buildings adds another … Read more
As the effects of climate change become more severe, reusable buildings will be central to promoting resilience and sustainability in the construction industry.
We look at the industry’s environmental impact, and discuss six specific areas where commercial construction firm owners can go green and ideas for doing so.
Modular construction aims for a sustainable future while alleviating the housing crisis. Is it achievable? Let’s discuss the myths of modular building.
Modular construction offers a sustainable edge over traditional building methods. This guide explores the details, with links to further reading.
In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know to successfully makeover your bathroom and create a space that reflects your personal style.
A look at home resolutions that will help you ease into greener living. These cost-effective suggestions can keep morale high and carbon footprints low.
A landslide occurs when a large section of rock, snow, mud or soil slides down a slope. Here’s how landslide prevention can help save lives and environments.
Can energy-efficient homes alone make a significant impact on reducing the planet’s carbon footprint? Evelyn Long breaks down the facts and explores in detail.
The industry has been one of the main contributors to pollution, but there’s now hope of a more sustainable construction process and environmental awareness.