Be an Eco-friendly Pet Parent: 15 Tips for Going Green

Going Green: Tips for a More Eco-friendly Pet Parent

By Mikail Khan of

Regarding eco-friendly pet care, you can do a few things to make sure your furry friend is living as green as possible. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Switch To Biodegradable Pet Waste Bags

If you have a dog, you know that one of the most important things to do is pick up their waste when you’re out on walks.

Unfortunately, most standard pet waste bags are made of plastic, which isn’t great for the environment.

Instead, try switching to biodegradable pet waste bags. These bags are made of materials like cornstarch or paper, which will break down over time – making them much better for the environment.

Many biodegradable poop bags have specific disposal instructions, so be sure to follow those. If instructions are not followed, it could take these bags years to break down, making them no better for the environment than regular plastic bags.

2. Use an Eco-friendly Cat Litter Box

Cat litter uses a ton of clay, which is a non-renewable resource. Not to mention, the process of mining and transporting this clay is actually bad for the environment.

So, what can you do? Use an eco-friendly cat litter box instead. These boxes are made out of sustainable materials like stainless steel and bamboo.

The pros of using an eco-friendly cat litter box are that they’re durable, long-lasting, and good for the environment. The cons are that they can be more expensive than traditional litter boxes, and some cats may not take them as easily.

3. Make Your Own Pet Food

Commercially produced pet food often contains a lot of fillers and preservatives – neither of which are good for your pet’s health.

What’s more, the packaging this food comes in is bad for the environment. So if you want to be a more eco-friendly pet parent, why not try making your own pet food?

There are plenty of recipes online that you can follow. Not to mention, you’ll know exactly what ingredients are going into your pet’s food. The only downside is that it does take a bit of time and effort to make your own pet food.

dog eating from bowl
Photo by Kabo on Unsplash

4. Purchase Organic, Eco-friendly Pet Food 

You can always purchase organic, eco-friendly pet food if you don’t have the time or inclination to make your own pet food.

Organic pet food is made out of ingredients that are grown without the use of pesticides or other harmful chemicals. What’s more, the packaging is often made out of recycled materials.

The downside of organic pet food is that it can be pretty expensive. However, you can often find coupons or discounts online.

5. Get an Eco-friendly Pet Bed

Most pet beds are made out of synthetic materials like polyester or nylon. Unfortunately, these materials are bad for the environment because they’re derived from petroleum – a non-renewable resource.

Instead, try to find an eco-friendly pet bed. These beds are often made of sustainable materials like bamboo, hemp, or wool.

The downside of eco-friendly pet beds is that they can be more expensive than traditional pet beds. However, they’re definitely worth it if you’re looking for a more eco-friendly option.

6. Use Natural Pet Shampoo

Pet shampoo often contains harmful chemicals that can be bad for your pet’s health. What’s more, these chemicals can end up in the environment where they can damage plants and animals.

Instead, try using natural pet shampoo. These shampoos are made from ingredients like coconut oil or beeswax, which are gentle and effective.

7. Protect Your Pet (And the Environment) Against Fleas and Ticks Naturally 

Groom your pet more frequently during peak flea and tick season. This will remove any unwanted visitors from their fur.

This means the need for flea and tick treatment will be significantly decreased. Not to mention, many of these treatments contain harmful chemicals that can harm your pet – and the environment.

Additionally, vacuum your home frequently and wash your pet’s bedding in hot water to kill any fleas or ticks that may be lurking.

8. Spay or Neuter Your Pet

One of the best things you can do for the environment is spaying or neutering your pet. This will help to control the pet population, which means there will be fewer animals in shelters.

And fewer animals in shelters means fewer resources will be used to care for them.

Moreover, spaying or neutering your pet can improve their health. So, it’s a win-win for both you and the environment.

9. Adopt, Don’t Shop

If you’re looking to add a new pet to your family, consider adopting from a shelter instead of buying from a breeder.

There are millions of animals in shelters across the country that need homes. Adopting one of these animals will help to save their life.

And it will also help reduce the demand for breeding – which is often done unethically. So, adopting is definitely the more eco-friendly option.

10. Shop Secondhand for Pet Supplies

One of the best ways to be more eco-friendly is to shop secondhand whenever possible. This includes pet supplies.

There are plenty of places where you can find secondhand pet supplies, including online marketplaces and thrift stores.

Not only will this help you save money, but it will also help to reduce the demand for new pet products.

Most pet products such as beds, bowls, and toys are made of synthetic materials that are bad for the environment. So, by shopping secondhand, you can help to reduce your pet’s carbon pawprint.

Eco-friendly Pet Parent:  homemade cat teepee
Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

11. Make Your Own Pet Toys

Instead of buying pet toys made of harmful materials, try making your own instead.

There are plenty of DIY pet toy tutorials online that use eco-friendly materials. For example, you can make a rope toy out of old t-shirts or a squeaky toy out of recycled denim.

Not only will your pet love these toys, but you’ll also feel good knowing they’re not harming the environment.

12. Donate Used Pet Supplies

If you have used pet supplies that your animal no longer needs, consider donating them to a local shelter or rescue group. 

This way, they can be put to good use by another pet in need. And it will keep them out of the landfill – decreasing land pollution.

And it’s a great way to give back to the community.

13. Compost Your Pet’s Waste

Instead of throwing your pet’s waste in the trash, try composting it. This is a great way to reduce your pet’s carbon pawprint.

Composting is the process of breaking down organic materials like food scraps and plant waste into nutrient-rich soil.

Pet waste can actually be a great addition to your compost pile. Just ensure to keep your pet’s waste away from gardens or where your animals can get to it. 

As pet waste decomposes, it can release harmful bacteria into the environment. So, it’s essential to be careful when composting pet waste.

14. Choose Eco-friendly Cleaning Products for Your Home

Pets can cause a lot of messes, which means you’ll likely be doing a lot of cleaning.

Cleaning sprays contain harsh chemicals that get washed down the drain. These chemicals can pollute the environment and harm aquatic life.

So, it’s important to choose eco-friendly cleaning products for your home. You can actually make your own cleaning solutions using ingredients like vinegar and baking soda.

And, they’re much better for the environment.

15. Educate Others About Being Eco-friendly with Pets

One of the best things you can do to help make the world more eco-friendly is educating others about it.

Let your friends and family know the importance of being eco-friendly with pets. Share this article with them or talk to them about ways they can reduce their pet’s carbon pawprint.

The more people that know about the importance of being eco-friendly, the better off our planet will be.

These are just a few of the many ways you can make your pet more eco-friendly. Making just a few of these changes can help make a difference in the environment. And your pet will be happier and healthier as a result.

Author Bio: Mikail Khan is the founder and editor at Since when he got his first puppy, Mikail has been a lover of dogs. He aims to provide simple and easy informational advice to dog owners.